Article Topic: Featured

Financial thoughts, tips and tricks for you to consider.

Reality Check

I must admit … we just got a reality check. As a wealth strategist, my job is to advise people.     And one of the pieces of advice I am often giving is to “Be Your Own Banker” and control the banking function in your life. But I must admit, while making great strides...

Is your term insurance Bad?

Is your term insurance bad? As an advocate of wealth insurance and infinite banking policies, I am often asked, “Is term insurance bad?”. There is nothing inherently wrong with term insurance.   Its a cost-effective way to get people coverage and peace of mind.     ...
Safe Withdrawal Rate

Safe Withdrawal Rate

If you are not familiar with the term “Safe Withdrawal Rate” you should be.   Its the key factor to guide you in determining how much money you can withdrawal from your savings each year once you reach retirement.     Nobody wants to run out of money.    So using this...

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Certainty of Money

Certainty of Money

The certainty of money in the future creates a world in which we can behave very differently now.   Let’s take a look at a simple example.   Imagine that you were entitled to a $500K bonus from your company, but the caveat is that it would not be paid out for 5...

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905-425-5327 •

Kathleen van den Berg, MBA, CFP

4 Branthaven Court
Brooklin, Ontario  L1M 0B2